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AnchorZ Inc. | Privacy Policy


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Privacy Policy

AnchorZ Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) seriously accepts notable changes nowadays of society’s attitudes toward personal information and recognizes the importance of personal information protection so that the Company will promote the protection of the information. To protect personal information, the Company provides the following Policy to implement the necessary measures and strengthen the management of personal information.

  • 1. Collection, Use and Provision of Personal Information

    The Company understands that personal information we handle in business activities is important so that we will collect the information by legal and just means under the consent of the persons concerned. When collecting personal information, the Company will clearly specify the purpose of use and the scope of provision and will collect the information within the said purpose of use and scope of provision. The Company will use and provide collected personal information within the purpose consented by the persons concerned in advance and will implement necessary measures to ensure it.

  • 2. Proper Management of Personal Information

    The Company will implement security measures for personal information, sufficiently taking into consideration the risks of unauthorized access, loss, corruption, falsification, and leakage and will regularly review and correct them whenever needed. The Company will promptly respond to any requests from the person concerned for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information.

  • 3. Compliance with Legislation

    The Company will comply with the legislation, national guidelines and other standards related to personal information protection.

  • 4. Complaints and Consultation about Personal Information

    The Company will provide a point of contact to accept complaints and requests for consultation concerning personal information and will respond to them properly and promptly.

  • 5. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System

    The Company will continue to improve the personal information protection management system by reviewing it in a timely and proper manner based on changes in the environment surrounding the Company.

The Company will disseminate this Policy by distributing it to all employees and will implement other measures to make it always available to all people, including through publication on our website and brochures.

Basic Policy on Specific Personal Information

  • 1. Name of Place of Business

    AnchorZ Inc.

  • 2. Compliance with Legislation and Guidelines

    The Company will handle specific personal information in compliance with the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures and other relevant legislation.

  • 3. Purpose of Use

    Purpose of Use
    Specific personal information of shareholders
    For the preparation of reports of payment pertaining to distribution of dividends and surpluses
    Specific personal information of employees and their dependents
    For the purposes set forth in the rules of employment and the regulations on personal information protection
    Specific personal information handled in entrusted business
    For the purpose of performing the business provided in the contract for entrustment

  • 4. Matters concerning Security Control Measures

    Security control measures to be implemented for specific personal information are clarified in the regulations on personal information protection.

  • 5. Handling of Entrustment

    If the handling of specific personal information is entrusted to a third party, the Company will provide the contractor with the necessary and proper supervision.

  • 6. Point of Contact for Inquiries and Complaints

    A person who has any inquiries, complaints and other communications concerning the handling of specific personal information may use the contact information listed below:

About Handling of Personal Information

  • 1. Purpose of using personal information handled by the Company

    AnchorZ Inc.

Sales activities with corporate/individual users and business partners concerning services and products (e.g., information provision, consulting, acceptance of orders, delivery, and billing and receipt of payments)
Provision of service/support for services and products (e.g., information provision, management of user registration, pickup and return of repaired goods, billing and receipt of payments, provision of service during the term of guarantee, and response to inquiries)
Purchase of stock for services and products (e.g., information provision, placement of orders, and payment of prices)
Market research for services and products by questionnaires, etc.

Recruitment activities

Personal information provided by an outsourcer incidental to business entrusted to the Company
To be used for the performance of the contract with the outsourcer

Personal information of employees
To be used for personnel administration, service management, salary management, welfare management, and other employment management

Personal information of job candidates of the Company
To be used for communication, employment screening, improvement of the Company’s website (recruitment information), and other recruitment activities

Personal information of enquirers and visitors to the Company
To be used for communication, information provision, response management, and other purposes of responding to inquiries

Other personal information directly provided by the persons concerned in writing (including information provided on a website, by e-mail, etc.)
To be clearly specified to the persons concerned in writing prior to collection

Matters to be disseminated concerning retained personal data
The Company will respond to any requests from the persons concerned or their proxies for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/addition/deletion of contents, discontinuance of use, erasure, or discontinuance of provision to third parties regarding retained personal data kept by the Company (hereinafter “Requests for Disclosure”) as follows:

Name of the business
AnchorZ Inc.

Person responsible for the management of personal information
Person responsible for the management of personal information
Masaaki Tokuyama, Chief Privacy Officer
Point of contact
Tel. +81-(0)3-5829-6440 (main phone)
Purpose of using retained personal data of the Company

Classification Purpose of Use
Customer information
(When collected incidental to contract)
To respond to inquiries
To provide information on our products and services
To manage billing and sales
Customer information
(When contacted by telephone or e-mail for inquiries)
To respond to inquiries
To provide information on our products and services
Customer information
(When collected through referrals from business partners)
To provide information on our products and services
Information of the Company’s employees For personnel labor management, operations management, and the healthcare of employees
Information of job candidates of the Company To communicate with job candidates and manage recruitment activities of the Company
Specific personal information For the purpose of use prescribed in the Number Act

Point of contact for complaints about the handling of retained personal data
AnchorZ Inc. Point of Contact for Inquiries for Personal Information
Daiichi Nomura Building 2F, 3-22-9 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0053

+81-(0)3-5829-6440 (Main Phone)
(Business Hours: 9:00 – 17:00)
When contacted on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday, or year-end and New Year, Golden Week, or summer vacation holiday, we will reply on the following business day or later.

Procedure for accepting a Request for Disclosure of personal information
Contact for a Request for Disclosure
For a Request for Disclosure, please contact the above “Point of Contact for Inquiries for Personal Information.”

Procedure for a Request for Disclosure
Upon the receipt of a request, the Company will mail a prescribed request form to be used by the requester.
For notification of the purpose of use
Request Form for Notification of the Purpose of Using Personal Information
For disclosure
Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information
For correction/addition/deletion, discontinuance of use, erasure, or discontinuance of provision to third parties
Request Form for Correction, Discontinuance of Use of Personal Information
Please mail the request form you completed to the above “Point of Contact for Inquiries for Personal Information,” together with documents showing the power of attorney (in case of a request by proxy), and a postal money order for fees (only for a request for notification of the purpose of use or disclosure).
Upon the receipt of the request form above, the Company will verify your identity by asking about two items of the personal information registered with the Company, by which the identify can be verified (e.g., telephone number and date of birth).
As a rule, a response will be provided to the person concerned in writing (a sealed letter).
Materials showing the power of attorney in the case of a request by proxy
If a Request for Disclosure is submitted by proxy, please enclose materials showing the power of attorney and materials verifying the identity of the proxy.
Please black out all information of legal domicile except the prefecture and all digits of the individual number contained in the materials or implement other measures to conceal them.

Materials showing the power of attorney
For a proxy mandated by the person concerned to make a Request for Disclosure
Letter of attorney from the person concerned (original)

For a statutory agent of a minor
A copy of either:

A copy of a family register
Certificate of residence (one showing the relationship and not showing the individual number)
Any other official documents showing the right of legal representation
For a statutory agent of an adult ward
A copy of either:

Certificate of registered information pertaining to guardianship registration
Any other official documents showing the right of legal representation
Materials verifying the identity of the proxy
Please black out all information of legal domicile except the prefecture and all digits of the individual number.

Driver’s license
Health insurance card
Certificate of residence
Basic Resident Registration Card or Individual Number Card
Fees for requesting notification of the purpose of use or disclosure
1,000 yen per request (tax included)
(Please send a postal money order enclosed in the request form.)

  • 2. About DZ Security authentication data

    User’s face, voice (option) habits (FD/MS/JS/AS), behavior, behavior and other physical actions ( GPS/WiFi/BLE) information (hereinafter collectively referred to as “authentication information”) is only stored on the smartphone terminal used by the user for background authentication, and DZ In terms of system specifications related to authentication, these authentication information will not be acquired by our company, businesses that use the “DZ Security” “DZ Pass” “DZ IAP” “DZ Browser” “DZ Link” “入門的研修” provided by our company, or other third parties. Based on the above, we ask all users to use the DZ authentication service with peace of mind.